
We start the project with the addition of biosolid compost.

September 8

With the different tillage (traditional and conventional) we prepare the soil and incorporate the compost at different depths.

With the different tillage (traditional and conventional) we prepare the soil and incorporate the compost at different depths.

September 28

The probes for moisture measurements and the rings to measure the soil respiration are already installed.

November 16

Our rainout shelters are ready to start working

November 21

 This soil infiltrometer will allow us to know the capacity of our soils to transport water and oxygen to deeper layers. Will our soils be very compact?

November 29

Through this device known as IRGA we will measure the respiration of the soil (the flow of CO2 from the soil). Soil respiration is closely related to the temperature and humidity of the soil and the soil management carried out. How will it fluctuate in our conditions?

December 15

Our broad bean seeds are already planted. Good luck!

January 18

Our beans are growing but the lack of rainfall has caused problems in the germination and development of the plants

March 29

We take samples of the crop to estimate plant biomass and count of nodules and mycorrhizae

April 19

During sample collection, we observed some anomalies in the roots of our beans. To our surprise, an unwanted guest ‘jopo’ came to settle in our crop. Jopo is a parasitic plant that attacks certain leguminous plants such as broad beans with particular aggressiveness. Unfortunately this will mean that the crop will have to be interrupted.

April 29

The second year begins with the addition of compost.

November 14

Preparatory work in the field, seeding is approaching!

November 15

First soil sampling of the second year. Samples will be processed and analyzed over the next months.

December 12


December 20

Wheat borns with strength. We measure the germination percentage.

January 11

Wheat begins to glean in the trial

March 20

Second soil sampling this year, later the samples will be analyzed by the group at IRNAS.

April 8

In the laboratory we are analyzing the enzymatic activities of the soil.

April 24

After the whole crop cycle, the wheat is ready for harvesting.

May 17

Harvesting of samples for subsequent analysis

May 22

We continue with soil mycorrhizae counting

June 19