The project

Organic amendments and soil management as essential tools to mitigate the effects of climate change .

Present at the X CONDEGRES

During the past June 24, 25, 26 and 27 we were present at the X edition of the National Symposium on Soil Degradation Control and Recovery organized by the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS) and the University of Burgos. It was a very interesting few days in which we were able to share with … Read more

CONDEGRES Burgos 2024

The tenth edition of the National Symposium on Soil Degradation Control and Recovery will be held in Burgos on June 24, 25, 26 and 27. This congress organized by the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS) and the University of Burgos is of special relevance for the scientific and academic community related to soil science. … Read more

The soil also breathes

For those unfamiliar with the processes and activities that occur in soil, this statement may seem a bit strange. Just as humans breathe in order to continue our metabolic activity, the microbial fauna of the soil does the same. This parameter, fundamental to the project, is an indicator of soil health and fundamental to the … Read more


The 34th annual European meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry took place in Seville last May. This premier international event was attended by approximately 2500-3000 delegates from all over the world. The theme of this year’s congress was Science-based solutions in times of crisis: integrating science and policy for environmental challenges. In … Read more

Results in I AGROHUB Andalucía

During the 12th and 13th of March took place in Malaga the first meeting of young researchers in agricultural sciences of the CSIC in Andalusia. A very profitable days to know first hand the news of other researchers and to expand our network of contacts with people who are so close to us. The results … Read more


Reliable determination of the response of soil organic carbon decomposition to temperature is criticalin the context of global warming. However, uncertainties remain in estimating the sensitivity of soil respiration to soil temperature, which may be due in part to different experimental conditions to investigate the possibleeffects of temperature effects of temperature on the estimated value … Read more


Under the title “Leading the transition to healthy soils”, the European Soil Mission Week took place from November 21 to 23, 2023. The event took place in Madrid, Spain. It was organized by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) in the context of the Soil Mission, together with the … Read more

Could conservation tillage improve the resistance of the broad bean crop to drought?

The effect of drought on soil water content, broad beans crop and in the root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Rhizobium nodulation during a growth cycle under different tillage systems has been evaluated: no tillage (NT), reduced tillage (RT) (conservation tillage) and traditional tillage (TT) (mouldboard). The results indicate that the reduction in … Read more